The Twin Cities Rainbow Chaser

moving across the country…to discover what God has in store

Think Global, Act Local: Poverty

on February 2, 2013


Be aware: we’re about to get seriously philosphical (if I can spell that word)…philosophical…there we go.  I wanted to be independent and figure it out on my own; youshould be impressed with my epic spelling abiltiies…argh.  Abilities?  Yes.

Spelling…that is a global issue that affects me locally.  No…I mean yes.  It could be a global issue, but that’s not what’s on my mind on this snowy Minnesota day.


photo Yes, wealth is on my mind.  I am currently reading a book called Crazy Love and I just read a chapter that made the hamster in my head start spinning on its wheel (His name is Winifred, by the way).  If I am to be perfectly honest, most of the chapters send Winifred into a frenzy, but this particular chapter connects to today’s prompt from The Daily Post.  It’s called “Serving Leftovers to a Holy God” (Chapter 5).  Chan, the author, counters the oft-seen idea that many Christians are lukewarm.  Instead, he says that being lukewarm means that someone is not a Christian.  That is a frightening thought for someone who has described herself as a lukewarm Christian (yes, I am referring to myself here…take a look at the original name of this blog!).  He highlights the problem of poverty in many places that make me, an AmeriCorps volunteer who receives a twice monthly living stipend, look rich.

(WOW!  I am in a coffee shop right now and it just got ridiculously loud…not cool, peoples.  Not cool.)

photo-1I have developed this tendency to look at the people around me, the people who have real jobs and receive a real salary, and I think about how wealthy they are.  A morning at a coffee shop isn’t a big deal for them.  Filling up their gas tank isn’t nearly as painful for them as it is for me.  And they can give to God without feeling it right in their gut.  Wow.  That last one really makes me think.  I’m going to be perfectly honest and lay some guilt right out there for you.  I feel like I’m giving my widow’s mite when I drop a check in the offering box on Sunday mornings.  Talk about a “holier than thou” attitude!

My coffee and cinnamon roll this morning would likely break the bank for half of the world’s population.  And I feel proud of myself for surviving on less than minimum wage for a year. So, how do I take the thoughts that Winifred has spun up for me and put them into action? At this point, changing my perspective will be the stepping stone, I think.  When I take myself off of the pedestal and realize that I am rich, I might have hope of action.

7 responses to “Think Global, Act Local: Poverty

  1. […] Think Global, Act Local: Poverty « The Twin Cities Rainbow Chaser […]

    • HMCWriter says:

      Hi Rainbow Chaser!
      I have nominated you for the Inspirational Bloggers’ Award, because, well…your a wee bit cool.
      If you have already been tagged in this, that’s fine- if not, come and visit me and you’ll see that I have put a link to your blog, on my post. You will also see what to do next.

      The Very Inspirational Blogger Award

      Peace out

  2. Amanda Embry says:

    I agree, we all have a tendency to see other people as rich. In Ecuador as a Peace Corps volunteer, I made around $200 a month. I had no indoor plumbing. But I was MUCH better off than the people around me, and I wasted a lot of that money on selfish things.

    I also think we tend to give leftovers, to God and to others. We give to charity what we no longer want or need – our castoff clothes, the glasses that we can’t wear anymore because the prescription changed, gifts that we think are ugly. I’m not arguing we should throw these things away, but it isn’t anything to pat ourselves on the back about.

    • EmmieElle says:

      Amanda–props for jumping out into the world with Peace Corps. I have a friend who recently left for Ecuador! Anyways, I like knowing that other people feel the same way that I do. Our culture really highlights giving…to the point where everyone “sacrifices” something. It’s time to change our idea of “sacrifice”…we need to take a look at Christ!

  3. Amanda Embry says:

    By the way – AmeriCorps, that’s awesome! I considered AmeriCorps but ultimately decided on the Peace Corps instead.

  4. […] Think Global, Act Local: Poverty « The Twin Cities Rainbow Chaser […]

  5. […] I’m back in that coffee shop.  The conversation that I get to overhear?  Learning about someone’s experience […]

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